The best way to protect yourself and your family is to make sure you are properly insured before you ride. Properly insuring your bike and cars before a wreck happens can save you time, money, and worry in the event of an accident. Most states require that all vehicles, including motorcycles, be insured with at least the minimum coverage required by law. The laws for each state vary, as do their minimum insurance requirements.
In South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia, the minimum requirement for liability coverage is only $25,000. This means that if the driver that causes your wreck only has the minimum coverage of $25,000, the maximum amount that driver’s insurance will have to pay is $25,000, regardless of how badly you are injured or how much your medical bills and lost wages total.
In Maine, the minimum limits requirement for liability coverage is $50,000.
In North Carolina, the minimum requirement for liability coverage is currently $30,000 and is set to change on 1/12025 to increase from $30,000 to $50,000.
You can increase the available insurance coverage when getting insurance for yourself by increasing your limits higher than your state’s minimum and opting in for Underinsured Insurance Coverage (UIM). See our Underinsured Insurance Coverage (UIM) page to learn more about protecting yourself.
We want you to be able to focus on healing if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident. Give us a call to discuss your unique circumstances.
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Weekend, home & hospital visits and after hours by appointment
Call 1-855-IRONLAW (476-6529)
(864) 640-4134
[email protected]
Available 24/7